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Phenodral Ampola - 15 Ml

Product Availability: In stock

Product Weight: 0.1000 KG
Product information
Pack with 03 ampoules.
Every 15 mL contains:
Sodium methylarsinate................................................... .......... 300 mg
Green Ammonia Iron Citrate ............................................................................................ 300 mg
Milesimal adrenaline solution.......................................... 1.5 mL
Aqueous vehicle q.s.p. ........................................................ ........... 15 mL
PHENODRAL is an association of an organic arsenic with iron and adrenaline salts, which stimulate the vital functions of animal metabolism. Sodium methylarsinate has the property of stimulating metabolism, thus promoting an increase in appetite and adrenaline a cardiovascular stimulant and finally ammoniacal iron citrate that supplies iron to the animal organism for the formation of hemoglobin.
Beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, pigs, goats and sheep.
PHENODRAL is indicated as a reconstituting tonic for all animal species, as a stimulant of metabolic functions in cases of anorexia (lack of appetite), malnutrition, anemia, in convalescence from parasitic and infectious diseases.
Administer preferably intravenously, injecting the liquid slowly. If it is impossible to be intravenously administered, apply via
deep intramuscular, preferably in places where the animals have large muscle masses, such as hindquarters, always using long needles, and vigorously rubbing the site after application of the product.
Adult cattle and horses: 15 mL.
Calves, foals: 5 ml.
Large and medium dogs: 2 ml.
Small dogs: 1 ml.
Treat in 3 doses, one every 6 days, and may be repeated at intervals of 15 days.
In avian spirochetosis, repeat the dose for 2 or 3 consecutive days.
Always use sterile syringes and needles, as well as asepsis the area with cotton soaked in iodized alcohol.
Store in a dry and cool place, away from sunlight and out of reach of children and pets.
Do not apply the product that has expired, or that is presented in broken ampoules.

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