Formoped® is a potent bactericide and antiseptic, which does not change in the presence of organic matter; destroys the superficial tissue of ulcerated lesions, outgrowths and infectious infiltrations in the corion of the hooves and between the nails of animals.
Leg rot (foot rot, Pietin) of sheep.
Bovine hoof rot (foot rot).
Chilblains in general.
Necrotic lesions of the feet.
Bovine papillomatosis (fig tree).
Each 100 mL contains:
M.M.D.H. (monomethylol dimethyl hydantoin) _______ 27.5 g
Vehicle q.s.p. _____________________________100ml
Propellant: butane.
dosage and method of use:
Apply Formoped® covering the entire affected area.
Repeat treatment when necessary.
In cases of bovine papillomatosis (fig tree), apply daily applications to larger warts for 10 days.
Can be associated with treatment with product based on Terramycin®.
grace period and precautions:
There is no restriction for human consumption of milk or meat from treated animals.
Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Does not contain chlorofluorocarbon.
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Units in box: 1