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Product Weight: 0.1250 KG
Product information
Oxitrat LA Plus
In case of emergency: Oxitrat LA Plus. Took it, Sarou!
Oxytetracycline is a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic, effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. With good bioavailability, it can be indicated to fight infections in practically all systems. The association with sodium diclofenac, a powerful non-hormonal anti-inflammatory, promotes a faster action of the antimicrobial by promoting the breakdown of the inflammation barrier and making it available more quickly to fight bacteria, in addition to promoting an antipyretic and analgesic action .
Each 100 ml contains: Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride (20 g), Diclofenac Sodium (1 g) and vehicle q.s.p. 100ml.
Oxitrat LA Plus is indicated to combat infections caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, susceptible to Oxytetracycline, as well as in the treatment of Anaplasmosis in cattle. Especially suitable in cases of:
Infectious wounds;
Hoof rot;
Infectious Arthritis.
Dosage and method of use:
Intramuscular route:
The recommended dosage is 1 mL/10 kg of body weight, which corresponds to 20 mg of Oxytetracycline/kg of weight and 1 mg of Diclofenac Sodium/kg of weight for cattle.
Intravenous route:
The recommended dosage is 1 mL/20 kg of body weight, which corresponds to 10 mg of Oxytetracycline/kg of weight and 0.5 mg of Diclofenac Sodium/kg of weight for cattle.
Interval between doses:
Intramuscular use: usually one dose is sufficient for an effective treatment. However, in severe infections, a second dose should be administered 3 days after the first application.
Intravenous use: administer a second dose 24 hours after the first application and repeat for a maximum of 4 consecutive days.
Maximum volume per application point: 10 mL.
Doses higher than those indicated above, administered intramuscularly, should be subdivided into two or more points of application.
Underdosing can facilitate the development of resistance and interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment.

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