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Flucortan - 10 Ml

Product Availability: In stock

Product Weight: 0.1000 KG
Product information
Each ml contains:
Flumethasone...................................................... 0.5mg
Vehicle q.s.p. ..................................................... 1.0 ml
Flucortan solution for injection is indicated as a basic or adjuvant treatment (associated with specific therapy) in all cases where the body is subjected to a strong demand, in inflammatory processes and bacterial infections, such as:
a) Infections:
As supportive therapy in pneumonia, metritis, hemorrhagic septicemia, puerperal complications, peritonitis, croup, rheumatic infections, pododermatitis and bacterial diseases in general, provided there is concomitant antibacterial therapy.
b) Inflammatory States:
Joint inflammations, tendonitis, bursitis and myositis (where permanent structural changes do not persist). Dermatosis and prophylaxis of peritoneal adhesions.
c) Allergic conditions:
Urticaria, allergic eczema, acute pulmonary emphysema in cattle, generalized pruritus, dermatoses and dermatitis.
d) Toxemias. Poisonings, etc.:
Insect bites and poisoning. As support therapy in accidents such as venomous animals.
Heads up:
In cases of infections or suspected infection. Flucortan should always be used concomitantly with a specific antibiotic or chemotherapy agent. Flumethasone, like cortisone, due to its anti-inflammatory action, can mask the usual symptoms of an infection.
Doses can be repeated every 2 to 3 days. If after 5 days of treatment the animal does not improve. The diagnosis should be reconsidered. In case of doubt, consult a Veterinarian.
Daily dose:
Cattle: 2.5 to 10.0 ml
Horses: 2.5 to 5.0 ml
Pigs: 0.25 to 5.0 ml
Sheep and Goats: 1.0 to 2.0 ml
Dogs: 0.1 to 0.5 ml
Cats: 0.06 to 0.25 ml
Flucortan solution for injection is the only corticosteroid that can be administered by any parenteral route. The intramuscular route is recommended for the adjuvant treatment of bacterial infections. The product must be injected slowly.

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